Lip and palate gap

kr 700

By giving 700 kroner, you can give a child with cleft lip and palate the opportunity for a better life without problems with eating and without being socially excluded due to the cleft palate. The operation will be carried out on the hospital boat Jibon Tari in Bangladesh.


IMPACT has developed several programs where they operate on cleft lip and palate:

On the hospital train “Lifeline Express” in India, on the floating hospital “Jibon Tari” in Bangladesh, and on mobile camps in other IMPACT countries. Many thousands of operations are performed each year at an average price of NOK 700 per operation.

Cleft lip and palate is a congenital condition and without treatment it is bothersome and painful. Children struggle to eat, which can lead to malnutrition and thus other disabilities. In a cleft lip and palate, it is easy to become inflamed and there can be an open wound. The condition is treated with plastic surgery. Children in poor parts of Africa and Asia often have to live with this because they do not have access to treatment. There are many thousands waiting for treatment, your contribution is important!

Imagine a girl who has had problems for years, where food has been difficult and one feels like a burden to the family. Then it is fantastic to be offered a free operation that corrects all these worries, and she and her family have a better everyday life. Give 700 kroner today – it helps to help!


Impact Norway
Contact person: Peter Daae
Address: c/o Daae, Olaf Bulls vei 5c, 0765 Oslo
Phone: (+47) 907 47 509 983 141 021

Give a donation?
There are many ways you can donate to IMPACT, such as granting any amount to our account: 6030.05.72068.

Member of

IFIO (International Federation of IMPACT Organisations)
IK (Innsamlingskontrollen)
Lotteri- og Stiftelsestilsynet

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