Now all our friends can easily start a fundraising event for IMPACT Norway, even from the comfort of their own homes! To get started, head for our collection page. Choose the project you wish to support and create your own fundraiser. Spread the word about your fundraiser via social media and begin receive donations! You can pay attention to how much is coming in and who the givers are at all times. The money collected will go directly to IMPACT Norway.

Do you need an idea for a fundraising event before you get started? To help you out and get the creative juices flowing, we’ve stitched together some different examples for you to be inspired by.
Marathon, Triathlon, Cycling, Swimming – and Collecting
Are you set to participate in a race or contest of some sort? Why not participate for someone else but yourself? This way, your personal achievement can become part of something bigger, on a whole new level! Whether you’re running a half marathon or conquering a triathlon, you can also add other achievements by collecting donations to a charitable cause close to your heart. Friends and family will definitely wish to help your fundraiser, just like they’ll be on the sideline rooting for you as you participate.
Birthday, Wedding or other Celebration?
Is your birthday coming up? Are you planning a wedding? Or about to have your anniversary? The following question is – do you really need all these gifts, or would someone else be happier for a contribution with the money who’d otherwise be spent on things for yourself? All celebrations who involve a surplus amount of gifts are definitely a good reason to start a fundraiser. So for your next anniversary, you won’t only celebrate yourself and the amazing day in your life; it will also be the day you and your guests join to do something invaluable to people in need.
A sporty adventure
Are you a participant in the Mongol Rally, or are you climbing Mont Blanc or perhaps planning a mini expedition to the Amazon jungle? These are all excellent opportunities to collect money for a charitable cause, especially if you combine the fundraiser with your activity. If you are participating in something of a maritime nature, it can be combined with fundraising for a Floating Hospital – while if you’re set for an interrail adventure, a Lifeline Express Hospital Train might be more for you. Friends and family will be interested in whether you’re achieving your goals and complete the journey ahead. The possibility to create fundraiser events combined with own activities and ambitions are endless. All you need to do is try it out.
Fundraise money before you travel
If you’re off to somewhere exotic, it’s great to fundraise money for a charity tied to your journey. Say you’re preparing for a trip to Cambodia. Wouldn’t it be amazing to collect money to improve the offer of health care services at the Tonle Sap lake before you go? Having finally arrived, you’ll feel great for having contributed in your very own way. Perhaps you recently returned from India, moved by your experiences? Perhaps you experienced how people in hard to reach areas got access to health care services by the help of Hospital Trains (often called ‘the magical train’) and want to support that exact project? When coming home from your journey, you’ll have a unique story to share, which is a top motivator for own fundraisers.
When expecting
When expecting a child, the world often seem to change before our very eyes. Concerns about the future starts creeping in. Brought to our attention are an endless row of problems and threats we have never offered a second chance before. This makes it a great idea to support a project working with health care services for children and mothers before the toddler enters the world. Examples of this are Mothers Clubs or IMPACT Nursing Institute in Bangladesh, or the 1000 day program in Cambodia. If you’re already in possession of a stroller, baby bottle or onesie, don’t hesitate to ask for more! Friends and family who might not have granted you a gift yet will most certainly want to contribute to your fundraiser and promote a better world for our children.
Holidays are an excellent time to fundraise. Christmas is a good holiday to share the Christmas spirit with others across the globe. Instead of asking for Christmas gifts, you can ask friends and family to give a donation for you fundraiser.
Earth without ‘art’ is just ‘eh’
Add a bit of extra soul to your next artistic creation by making it part of your fundraiser. No matter what you’re creating; a drawing, a painting, or a building (!), we’re sure you’re creative enough to tie a good cause up with your project. Perhaps you’re a singer? Song and music is an amazing way to communicate that other people need our aid. Make sure your fans participate in your next project by inviting them to contribute to your fundraiser. In return, this enhances peoples’ curiosity for the creative work you’re pursuing.