Give someone their hearing back

kr 500

By giving 500 kroner, you give the hearing back to a human being with the help of a middle ear operation on board the Hospital boat Jibon Tari in Bangladesh.


Middle ear injury

IMPACT has several programs where they perform middle ear surgeries:

On the hospital train “Lifeline Express” in India, on the floating hospital “Jibon Tari” in Bangladesh, and via the many 4WD and mobile camps in other IMPACT countries. Every year, thousands of operations are performed at an average price of NOK 500.

Inflammation of the ears in children is a widespread disease in developing countries. When this is mistreated or untreated, the result is partial or complete hearing loss. There are few aids and training for the children and they therefore fall outside the local environment. IMPACT works to prevent hearing loss, and operate on hearing damage where possible.

One of the main reasons for hearing loss in Africa and Asia is inadequate or incorrect treatment of ear infections in children. There are thousands of young people hoping to regain their hearing, your contribution is important.

Imagine the floating hospital in Bangladesh, anchored in a river bed far away from the main road and the big cities. Here, surgeries are performed in large numbers – the effective organization allows you to operate on 10-20 middle ear patients – every day!

After being in operation for more than 20 years, tens of thousands have regained their hearing as a result of IMPACT’s surgery. Give 500 kroner to IMPACT today – it helps to help!


Impact Norway
Contact person: Peter Daae
Address: c/o Daae, Olaf Bulls vei 5c, 0765 Oslo
Phone: (+47) 907 47 509 983 141 021

Give a donation?
There are many ways you can donate to IMPACT, such as granting any amount to our account: 6030.05.72068.

Member of

IFIO (International Federation of IMPACT Organisations)
IK (Innsamlingskontrollen)
Lotteri- og Stiftelsestilsynet

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